
The PartyLand Metaverse platform

  Introduction to Partyland Partyland platform where users can create, share and experience virtual reality worlds. Partyland is about creating a virtual world that encourages the creation of virtual worlds. Partyland is an alternative to Second Life and it offers a more intuitive interface and features that don't require users to learn a new way of working to create their own virtual world. Partyland is a metaverse platform where users can create, share and experience virtual reality worlds. The metaverse as we know it is created by people. It's not a predetermined reality. It's a shared space that can be shaped by its users. Some people create alternative universes where they re-enact historical events, others create fantasy worlds that are inspired by their favourite books and movies. Partylands are created for a variety of reasons. They can be used for socializing, role-playing, storytelling, entertainment, games, escapism, education, and so on. Partyland is a revolutio


  PREFACE You've probably played a game about killing monsters and getting loot if you're familiar with MMORPGs and mobile strategy games. Both of these gameplay concepts are combined in the game Metakillers. You acquire experience and loot from different monsters when you attack them in the game. You can level up your character and gain new abilities by gaining experience. Metakiller is a blockchain game set in a prison where you can interact with the open world and create your own hero, or choose a pre-made character and discover where the randomly generated universe takes you. You'll have to fight the convicts while also creating your own hero or heroine. MetaKillers is a blockchain-based 3D first-person shooter that uses smart contracts to achieve various objectives. Its goal is to create a decentralised gaming ecosystem. The ultimate purpose of MetaKillers is to provide players the freedom to enter the game world and freely act within it, giving them the full virtual w

Move2Earn APY — Game make money

  Introduce Move2Earn APY is yet another game-changer in the field of decentralized finance with its new-to-the-market Auto compounding protocol to deliver the highest sustainable APY possible. Crypto assets aren’t meant for keeping them idle in the wallets. Instead, they have a vast potential to earn you good returns while you sleep on choosing the proper DeFi protocol. You can experience the power of compounding through Move2Earn APY compounding Dapp, which delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY. In addition to the compounding DeFi protocol, Move2Earn APY offers much more, including but not limited to Rebasing tokens,  Move to Earn games, Play to Earn, and DEX wallet . The idea is to disrupt the traditional financial ecosystems with a stream of innovative products and technologies. With the crypto money world becoming popular day by day, many different forms of a token, NFT, or other metaverse projects are emerging. While some of them experience a rapid rise, some of them lose val

Marathon Cash

  Marathon Cash is a decentralized work commercial center. It offers organizations the chance to associate with the best ability out there. It likewise gives work searchers a stage that is intended to get them recruited. The stage is based on blockchain innovation and has a decentralized organization. This organization makes it workable for organizations to post occupations at a reasonable cost, furthermore, applicants get to apply for them. In the previous 10 years, the quantity of occupation searchers has been on the ascent. This isn’t is to be expected, since the gig market has been developing at a consistent rate. The quantity of individuals who have been jobless, then again, has been on the ascent. This implies that a larger number of individuals are searching for occupations than previously. Prior, the work applicants could send their resumes to their imminent bosses. Presently, Marathon Cash is accessible, so the up-and-comers can interface with the businesses straightforwardly.

BridgeSwap X Astronaut Launchpad association.

  eager to declare the second open presale of $BRIS tokens on . This article frames all that you want to be aware of our second open presale on Astronaut Launchpad. What is Astronaut Launchpad ? Is mixture auto yield-decentralized hatchery and platform for IDO pools based on BSC. Space traveler to the moon About Bridgeswap Second Public pre-deal Round facilitated by our accomplice Astronaut Launchpad ! The presale begins on tenth May at 3:00 PM UTC . The cost of BRIS token for the presale is 0.4 BUSD per token . No base sum buy BRIS and the most extreme will rely upon you NAUT levels. You can buy BRIS tokens with BUSD just during the presale round. The Total raise reserve during the current Second Public pre-deal round is 108,000 BUSD in particular. The underlying business sector cap for BRIS tokens is 283K The vesting plan for BRIS Public pre-deal Round is 40% opened at TGE, trailed by 10% opened month to month for a considerable length of time. The most effective method